Thursday, June 21, 2007

Weights and measures

I know the last time I did this on my other blog, but for the life of me I can't remember the figures. So...starting from, wait. Starting from 11 weeks ago which is when I started tracking my weight again. Wasn't tracking my measurements though. Too much else I was struggling with at the time. 11 weeks ago I was 273. I know this because it was written on my calendar at work. I weigh myself on a digital scale at work these days. More accurate, I think.

As of today:

weight 248 (stress is a not so great weight loss inducer)
neck 16 1/4
arms 18
bust 50
waist 53 1/4
hips 54 1/4 (OMG! a whole 1 inch indentation between waist and hips!)
thighs 25 1/4
Calves 15

Don't know how often I'll do this. What matters is that I do it for me and not for anyone else.

Yeah, I'm still a fat broad. So what?

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