Thursday, July 26, 2007


Some days I sit and think of opposites. I smile and shake my head with a rueful grin. I never would have believed that two things that began through the same medium could have turned out so completely differently.

I met you both on the internet and, as I look back, I realize that is the only common denominator. It's taken me a while to believe that the latter could turn out better than the former. I'm getting there.

One of you I met years ago; the other a little while back. One I met in a community I'd been a part of for years; helped to build from the ground up. The other I got to know through a site I've only been to a short time, a few moments here and there. Life is busy these days, there isn't the time or the desire to sit in front of this little box very much anymore.

One of you I thought I'd known for years. You took my world by storm; leaving nothing and no one unscathed. For the short time that it was good, it was really good. You can't build a lifetime on a week's worth of good though and, when I think back, I can't even be sure it was a whole week.

The other has moved into my world gently, slowly, treading respectfully. She is ever mindful of boundaries, both mine and hers. She is also ever mindful of the draw we feel toward one another. We both know there is whatever time we need to find our way, if it is meant to be.

What is it he used to say to me? There were a number of things he said over those eight years that stick in my mind, worthy of being turned over and over and over again. But this one I find myself coming back to more and more lately.

"It's the same, only very different."


Middle Girl said...

We both know there is whatever time we need to find our way, if it is meant to be.

Yes, there is. I am savoring the sound of the tune I hear you humming. :)

Cate said...

Thank you, my friend. The fear remains, and sometimes grows enormous. But I am trying to take it one moment at a time, all of it. Work, kids, home, everyday life, her; one day at a time for all of them. It is the most I can handle, and for now it is more than enough. Light years from where I was.

Middle Girl said...

Yep, yep.