Saturday, July 28, 2007

All things come to those who wait

My birthday was a few weeks ago. I thought long and hard about what I wanted. There was quite a bit in the bank for a change, courtesy of refinancing the 2nd mortgage and paying off the car, along with the leftover bills from Katie's tumble down the stairs last summer. I'd done a number of sensible things.

I replaced all the windows in the house, had insulation blown into the attic. I sheetrocked the room I've been slowly working on. It still needs mudding and taping, paint and flooring, but it's getting there. I'd gotten clothes for the kids and taken them to the dentist. Still, there was really nothing in particular for me. Oh wait, that's not true. I got new glasses. *wry smile* Hey, I needed them badly.

There was one thing I wanted, but I couldn't make myself go for it. I've long wanted an mp3 player. Music has always lifted my soul, made me want to dance and sing, especially when no one's looking. LOL But I couldn't rationalize spending the 60 bucks for the one I wanted. Nope, couldn't do it.

I'd mentioned it at work to a friend a few days ago. She smiled. She knows how much I love music. Today she came to work and left a bag on my desk. Yep. An mp3 player. She said she'd gotten 2 as gifts and couldn't return this one because she didn't know where it had been purchased. I insisted on paying her for it. She wouldn't take more than $25 for it. I've spent the last 5 hours downloading music.

Queen, Billy Joel, Van Morrison, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Indigo Girls, Cathy Ryan, etc., etc. It's 1G of space. You can fit a lot of music in 1 gig.

I am going to sleep to the sound of music I love through those two little earbuds. Just me and my very large teddy bear. Hey. A girl's gotta have something to hold onto these nights when she's alone.

1 comment:

Middle Girl said...

YaY! I'm not yet on the mp3 wagon but I'm getting close, I think, maybe.

I heard a disturbing tidbit from a Canadian blogger about beyond having to pay for the download--a per play fee was also in play. Not sure of the validity..or whether it was just something being discussed or...whatever. The idea, though is ridiculous and certainly gives one pause.

Enjoy your music (& your bear)! :)