Sunday, October 28, 2007

An award has been bestowed upon me

By sweet Nina over at Closer To Fine. It's a lovely award, but I think this means Nina thinks I'm nice, as opposed to the bitch I really am. Nina? How could you???? *smile*

Seriously, thank you, sweetie. It was very thoughtful of you. I get to pass it on too, yes? I can think of no more deserving person than Deborah at Middle Girl. She was one of the first bloggers I communicated with, is one of the gentlest souls I've met out here in internetland, and is someone very special to me. Go check her out! Oh yeah, and she's got this amazing lip thing going on over at her blog too! *smile*

More real posting later. There's a pot of coffee with my name on it in the kitchen.


Me. Here. Right now. said...

This lips are quite startling, aren't they! ; )

Middle Girl said...

Hi...sorry it's taken me so long to say...THANKS!!!!!! The lips, though not mine, are oh sooooo me. ~~in my bestest of dreams.

I'll acknowledge the honor right proper on my spot--in a day or so.

Many, many tanks.