Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Short list

1. Sicker than snot

2. Hospitalized w/pneumonia

3. Daughter drove to Tucson for Thanksgiving since I couldn't hold my head up very well. 19 1/2 hours straight through. Never again.

4. It was totally worth it. They tucked me into bed and took care of me like no one has in nearly 20 years.

5. I like my brother a lot. I love him too. Both very good things.

5. Came home thinking I feel better, I can get caught up on life.

6. The next day there was a major computer crash at work.

7. Spent the next 10 days living in the office.

8. Then the ice storm hit.

9. That was December 9th/10th.

10. We got electricity back today.

11. I don't ever want to do any of that again.

12. I am alive.

13. I think.

14. More later.


The one whose life is a walking disaster sometimes


Unknown said...

oh my have had a rough go of it lately!! Any chance of a holiday coming up on your horizon any time soon??

Glad you got taken care of after your 19+ hour drive!!

SassyFemme said...

Oh my gosh, what nightmare! You do need some (healthy) down time

Cate said...

Hey Sassy and boo...

Yes, healthy down time is in order. I'm working on it. I have 2 four day weekends in a row, that might help. Although, I also have a ton of downed wood in my yard that needs to be cut up and hauled off. But then, the entire city has that problem. :o/ Pictures to follow soon.

Middle Girl said...

Oh me, Oh my...that (all) sounds horrible. Glad to *see* you. Hope things lighten up for you sooner rather than later.

nina michelle said...

You're baaaaaack! I am so sorry you have been so sick!
