When I was 27 I cut it pretty much all off. I had them take it up to my ears, the old "pixie cut" that was popular all those years ago. I thought my Dad would have a stroke. It was enormously freeing though! I loved it! Trouble was, shortened my hair has a natural curl that drives me nuts. If it's not kept cropped really short it ends up sticking out all over the place. Humidity does it's own wonders to my head.
Over the years, I've tried perming it, letting it grow again, coloring it, etc., etc. If I want to let it grow out, and not have it look like some untamed wild animal on top of my head I have to fight it every morning with blow dryer, hot rollers, and curling irons. I hate it! REALLY hate it! It's hot, it's time consuming, and I can't stand it.
So....for the last year I've been trying to come to peace with this lovely mop of mine. I haven't colored it in a year. I realized if I didn't stop now, at some point I'd be completely gray and then it would look REALLY stupid when I wanted to stop. I've also been letting it grow. I got it down to my shoulders, nearly all one length. Not too bad considering it was 1/4 of an inch long a year ago. LOL Still, there was that daily battle. Or I'd just shove a headband into it and let the back do whatever it wanted to do. Someone at work told me the back of my head looked really pretty, all soft curls. Except it was "two tone" because the bottom half of my head was all dark brown (from the last time I colored it, I guess), and the upper half is black with streaks of gray. Hmmmm.
Pitstop at Supercuts on my way home the other night. It was 104 outside and I was HOT. Between the temps, the hot flashes of mother nature, and my longer hair, I felt like I was melting. Time for drastic measures. I talked to the gal there for a while first. Explained what I like about my hair, what I hate, what I wanted to be able to do (basically nothing *grin*) I wanted "wash and wear" hair.
I got this:

and this:

I really like it a lot. It's easy, it's fast, it's softly curly, and everyone who has seen me has said it's a really attractive cut for me. I like my hair. For the first time in my life, I really like my hair. How freaking weird is that?
Hair has been very much on the brain lately, my best friend from HS got her hair cropped really, really short (shorter than mine even--which she hadn't seen) surprised us both at dinner this weekend. wow! Not at all weird.
Very fetching! Wash n Wear is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned.
Nice hair!!!
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